Have you ever felt stumped up for writing ideas?
Does your brain go in reverse gear when a deadline approaches?
Have you ever felt frustrated, staring at a blank page?
Now here is the good news!
Turn the wheels of your neurons and your neural networks with these creative exercises. These can be done in just 10 minutes but can make a world of difference to your writing skills.
What are the tools you will need?
Just a pen and paper or even your computer. And of course some reading material!
Now here is a fun way to be creative.
Keep your pen, paper, or even your e-notepad ready😊
Slowly swivel your head around. Choose any object that catches your fancy. What if you were that object? How would you feel? How does your side table feel? Or maybe your pillow is angry as you squash it with your weight?
The possibilities! 🙂🙃
Have fun as you write a short paragraph from the object’s point of view.
We usually forget what we were doing a little while ago. It happens with everybody, right?
Squeeze your memory to get your creative juices flowing!
Sit down with pen and paper and try to recollect what you have done in the past 1 hour. Try to write down about your,
- Thoughts
- Actions
- Sensations
- Feelings
In detail… .
Sticking to the sensory theme; close your eyes and concentrate on your sense of smell.
What aroma or odor do you perceive?
What feeling does it evoke?
How does what you smell relate to your surroundings?
Now open your eyes and write down in brief about your location only through your sense of smell!
Feel the clogs of your brain turn😲