You have read endless books and blogs on being a successful entrepreneur and an effective leader.

However, it’s also worthwhile to spend the time to understand what ineffective leaders do so that we can learn what to avoid and which can be just as helpful.

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We @thecreativepens believe in presenting both sides of the coin, for effective evaluation of the story.

Here are some of the habits of unsuccessful and ineffectual leaders, and in some cases, their justification for having them.

But, please avoid these habits at all costs, and don’t listen to the justifications!!!!


  • They are the lone decision-makers-

They believe that the reason that they have been put in charge is that they are way smarter and better than everyone else. So when it comes to deciding strategy, solving problems, or resolving issues, or any decision making, they think there is no need, or point in involving anyone else. They believe they have all the answers.

  • Rash and Rapid Responses-

 They react emotionally and quickly to situations without worrying about facts or the repercussions of their actions. Unjustifiable anger is always a negative influence on a team. They then try to cover up by showings good emotional intelligence by apologizing later.   

  • They take Big Risks, Not Studied Smart Risks-

They like to gamble recklessly and take big risks.  Believing in the adage “Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained” and that Smart Risk-taking is for wimps. However they are actually being paid big bucks to take the right risks and to be successful, but they don’t realize that.

  • All Talk No Action-

They believe that talk will convert into action, which sadly never comes about. They will brag about their accomplishments, without fear of the consequences of being found out in their lie.

  • Play The Blame Game-

They try to put the onus of the blame upon the head of the wrong person, which is an injustice to the employee as well as the company. It’s better to know who’s fault it is so that we can fire them and make sure this doesn’t happen again.

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  • Blowing Their Own Trumpet-

There is a big difference between confidence and arrogance; the former helps build trust in the leader, the latter destroys it.  As soon as you start to believe your own PR, then you are leaning more towards arrogance and starting down a path that is going to end in tears.

  • Thinking Planning and Preparation is a Waste of Time-

While sometimes you may just have to dive in and get a task done, without worrying about what’s involved, or whether you’re focused on the symptoms or root cause.  Never ever think that planning and thoughtful preparation is a waste of time. You may not get a second chance and find the time and money to do it again correctly after that first attempt has failed badly.

  • Hiring Inefficient People-

Hire smart people to work beneath you. However, as a leader, it is critical that you are the most skillful and knowledgeable member of the team, that way everyone can focus on their job rather than working out how they could replace you. 

But at the same time never hire unskilled people to keep the costs down. That is a surefire way to fail your venture.

  • Want Instant Results-

It’s all about results, and if we find that they are not coming, then we need to move quickly on to another topic.  No patience.

They believe that a lot of short-term success will lead to long-term success.

  • To Hell With The Details-

They believe going into details is a time-consuming and useless activity.

They don’t worry about the details, focus on the big picture, as they believe it will keep them motivated. We all know the devil is in the details, but that could lead to concerns, a lack of belief, and even worse de-motivation.

  • All Strength, No Weakness-

According to their way of thinking, leaders cannot have or show any weaknesses, so they need to work on eliminating them, or failing that, hiding them. This is a wrong way of thinking because showing some vulnerability makes a leader seem more human and approachable to his team.

  • Being Blindly Stubborn-

In this fast-changing world, clinging to outdated ideas of working and products has been known to bring a business down.

“Winners never quit, and quitters never win” is a great approach to achieving results. However, you’re bordering on stubbornness if your approach is failing but you refuse to change it. 

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  • Treating Employees as Pawns-

It’s hard to play well with others when you adopt a bossy and controlling approach to leadership. People like to be led not managed.

  • Consider Praise as a Weakness-

Their mantra is, they have got to be mean to keep them keen, and praising people too often makes a team soft.

They believe it’s ok to praise people once we have achieved success, but praising people just to keep them happy is not a good approach to building a strong, resilient team. 

  • Take Don’t Give

They say- the more we take, the more we have, that is how winners are made. It’s a dog-eat-dog world, and we have to fight for our share.

In taking more and giving less, they are actually playing with the loyalty of their employees as well as their customers.

  • Quick to Criticize

If you want people to improve, you need to point out their mistakes quickly and clearly. It’s also best to do this publicly so that others can learn too.

But at the same time, this needs to be done objectively, and not aggressively.

  • Easily Distracted

Never content with their current goals they are constantly looking for the next big thing that they get involved in. I think the reason for this is it’s much easier to start something new than to finish something important.

  • Make Excuses

There are a million and one reasons why things don’t work out as planned, so it’s not always our fault, and we need to remember that so as we don’t become too de-motivated. One boss told me never ever accept responsibility it could be career-limiting, always have someone ready to blame or a good excuse handy.

  • Love To Micro-Manage

It’s hard to trust everyone, so by micro-managing your staff, you can keep a close eye on things, and look to offer advice or step in if things start to go wrong.

But in focusing on the little details too much, they are unable to get a grasp of the bigger picture.

  • Practice Inconsistently

It’s great to be inconsistent because it keeps your team guessing, which in turn keeps them on their toes.  Predictability, on the other hand, can lead to complacency.

This attitude does not provide a stable platform of guidelines for the workforce to work from. It creates instability in the company.

In The End-

All or several of these traits in a company leader have proved to be fatal for a business venture, resulting in financial loss and ultimate closure of the enterprise.

While it is good to study all the books on great leadership skills, it is also wise to study the pitfalls too.

#amazingleaders #greatsuccess #companyleaders #positivepower #leadershipskills #effectiveleaders

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